Graz (Austria) is the capital city of Styria with 300,000 inhabitants. Compared to other cities in Central Europe, the city of Graz can already refer to a long tradition of urban climate research, with thematic datasets already available (e.g. temperature, wind field, etc.). Nevertheless, the single information is stand-alone and dependencies and interactions are not exploited effectively.
The city aims at developing a more comprehensive, innovative and dynamic climate information system going far beyond the standard data visualization functions.
European Green Deal priority actions:
Minimal Interoperability Mechanisms (MIMs)
ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability
2021 EU Mission Adaptation to Climate Change
reducing greenhouse gas emissions, primarily CO2 emissions, and aims for a climate-neutral, net-zero city by 2040
Challenges to be faced
Develop a commonly used data platform for sharing data (incl. metadata) between departments in standardized formats
high temperatures in densely built areas (UHI)
very short but intense rainfalls combined with long dry periods, reduce sealed surfaces, groundwater level drops and providing water,
bad air quality, reduce CO2 emission & traffic, political focus is on car traffic, raising public awareness and make them change behavior
Expected impact of USAGE
Get valuable information and interpretations through using the already existing data of thermal sensor, hyperspectral sensor and LiDAR data
In 2020 the city of Graz has started to develop the so called KIS (Klimainformationssystem (GER), climate information system) which should provide a dynamic, constantly updated visualization of the climate situation in Graz.
The expected functions of KIS are:
the integration of basic data such as climate observation stations or thermal aerial images
large-scale analysis across city borders
implication of additional aspects like bioclimate, cold-air-streams or vulnerability analyses
development of new methods and dynamic tools for modelling and simulation, and lastly
predicting the local urban climate on the base of IPCC climate scenarios (Stadt Graz - Arbeitsgruppe KIS, 2020)
In order to achieve these high goals, the city has to overcome challenges mostly in the fields of data management, organizational structures, and policy making.
Within USAGE we are helping the city to achieve these goals and bring the FAIR principles (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability and Reusability) into the data flow.
Current infrastructure hosting KIS project data transitioning to standard tools for data and metadata.