
Based on GeoNetwork open source, we have deployed a catalogue where metadata of datasets and software, re-used or developed within USAGE, are published. Datasets metadata, conformant to INSPIRE and DCAT-AP standards, are natively published in pilot cities portals, which are harvested by our catalogue, whilst AI algorithms and tools metadata are directly created in our catalogue, using an ISO-19115 conformant template developed by USAGE. A customised and user-friendly catalogue interface facilitates the discovery of the resources and offers links to access them.

Using GeoServer open source, we share USAGE data according to interoperable OGC standards: WMS/WMTS to browse maps, WFS and WCS to access/download vector and raster data, WPS to process data. The links to the web services, provided in the metadata published in the Catalogue, make the combined use of the Catalogue and of the geographic server a way to implement machine-to-machine interactions. 

In the USAGE Indicators Dashboard you  are able to visualise a set of indicators, defined to measure the successful set-up and operation of an urban data space prototype in each of the four pilot cities involved in the project. Radar graphs enable monitoring the temporal trend of the cities in achieving the target values fixed for each indicator.

Here you can find the catalogue of each pilot ...

Ferrara, Italy

Leuven, Belgium

Graz, Austria

Zaragoza, Spain