Citizen science and crowdmapping in Ferrara
2023, February 1°. The goal of the workshop is to present and discuss the citizen science activities foreseen for the Ferrara pilot in 2023, 2024, and 2025 on topics such as:
heat island and climatic data
rainfalls and flooding
The workshop hosted a special inspirational session with valuable initiatives on citizen science:
KU Leuven (partner of the USAGE project) Belgium
Danny Vandenbroucke and Naomi Thiru showcased successful projects in Belgium (biodiversity, air quality, drought).
Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (Spain)
Luca Lanzoni brought the Future Resilience Labs in Murcia
The Regione Emilia-Romagna (Italy)
Michela De Biasio spoke about the CitizER Science project and the upcoming guidelines.
Legambiente Emilia-Romagna (Italy)
Paola Fagioli described numerous projects that Legambiente has been delivering on a national and regional scale for years.
Find them on the official website.
After, more than 30 representatives of schools, NGOs, and the University of Ferrara planned a roadmap to implement the citizen science initiative from the USAGE pilot in Ferrara, led by Marco Falciano (Fiumana NGO) and Marina Kovari (Deda Next).