10th October Climathon event in Graz,
the winner is Team_3 check it out below
Challenge 1: Develop a solution that helps mitigate negative effects of intense rainfall events in Graz.
Pluvial flooding due to the increase of heavy rainfall events are more pressing in Styria as they cause damage with mere surface runoff from heavy rainfalls in the city’s areas with steeper gradients. Since intense rainfalls can occur very quickly and are often a very local phenomena, they can’t be predicted very well with the current technical possibilities, meaning that the city can’t take specific safety measures on a small-scale in time. Climathon participants are challenged to research this problem, and ideate solutions that can help to localise and mitigate the negative effects.
Challenge 2: Develop an engaging and accessible way to involve the Graz community in climate action
The City of Graz has developed KIS (short for Klimainformationssystem; climate information system). It will play a major role in monitoring, modelling, visualising, and predicting relevant climate change data. The newly developed KIS should provide a dynamic, constantly updated visualisation of the climate situation in Graz and should replace the static urban climate analyses. Climathon participants are challenged to explore the online KIS-portal, and propose ideas for its future development, with an aim of making it easier for residents to understand environmental data, local climate challenges, and how citizens can be invited to interact.
We are welcoming everyone to join us at this event. The full agenda and registration are available here : https://www.eventbrite.com/e/klimainformationssystem-graz-climathon-2024-tickets-1015663485827?aff=oddtdtcreator
Here the Agenda:
Challenge1 solution dev
Challenge2 solution dev
Challenge2 solution dev
Challenge2 solution dev
Challenge1 solution dev
The Winners!!!!! Team_3 with: Graz Open Climate Information System (KIS) #bindabei