“Get-to-know” introductory and welcome day

2023, February 23. This “Get-to-know” introductory and welcome day, organized by BDVA as part of the Data Spaces Support Centre activities, is an opportunity for these projects to present their mission and objective to a wide audience comprising of DSSC consortium partners, the overall portfolio of research projects, industrial stakeholders and beyond interested in Data Spaces. 

It might serve as a first touchpoint of these projects with DSSC, paving the path to identifying their expected contribution towards Data Spaces and intersection points.

The aim of this “Get-to-know” introductory day is:

• To allow the projects to present their mission and objectives and to identify their expected contributions to the European Common Data Spaces

• First identfication of collaboration opportunities among the projects and with the DSSC 

• To trigger a long term collaboration with the DSSC

Book your seat here. 

The day is structured in time blocks, combining projects contributing to the same topic. Some of the

projects were already present at a session organized with predecessor projects (H2020-ICT13) at

EBDVF2022. With some many projects and presentations in a single day our expectations don ́t go

beyond establishing a first touch point for future deep dives per topic planned. Most of the projects just

started very recently.