“Get-to-know” introductory and welcome day
2023, February 23. This “Get-to-know” introductory and welcome day, organized by BDVA as part of the Data Spaces Support Centre activities, is an opportunity for these projects to present their mission and objective to a wide audience comprising of DSSC consortium partners, the overall portfolio of research projects, industrial stakeholders and beyond interested in Data Spaces.
It might serve as a first touchpoint of these projects with DSSC, paving the path to identifying their expected contribution towards Data Spaces and intersection points.
The aim of this “Get-to-know” introductory day is:
• To allow the projects to present their mission and objectives and to identify their expected contributions to the European Common Data Spaces
• First identfication of collaboration opportunities among the projects and with the DSSC
• To trigger a long term collaboration with the DSSC
The day is structured in time blocks, combining projects contributing to the same topic. Some of the
projects were already present at a session organized with predecessor projects (H2020-ICT13) at
EBDVF2022. With some many projects and presentations in a single day our expectations don ́t go
beyond establishing a first touch point for future deep dives per topic planned. Most of the projects just
started very recently.