Dynamic open data from sensors and IoT: standards and good practices
2023, April 20. Dynamic open data from Sensors and IoT: standards and good practices
One of the most valuable types of data for reuse is dynamic data, which is subject to frequent or real-time updates. These data are identified in the European legislation on open data (Directive 2019/1024) and, consequently, also in the Italian Guidelines currently adopted by the Agency for Digital Italy.
This webinar focuses on a particular type of data that is increasingly important for the management and analysis of environmental phenomena: data from sensors and IoT (Internet of Things) systems. The objective of this webinar is twofold: on the one hand, to illustrate what is being done at the international level to ensure that data from heterogeneous platforms and solutions are shared in an interoperable manner; on the other hand, to recount practical experiences already undertaken by some Italian realities.
The webinar is in Italian: here is the registration link.
During the webinar, the SensorThings API standard will be presented, and published by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), which provides an open, geospatial, and unified way to interconnect Internet of Things (IoT) devices, data, and applications on the web. After the introduction to the standard (by OGC Europe), the Municipality of Ferrara will report on the practical application of dynamic data on different topics: air quality monitoring, vehicle traffic, bike counting, pedestrian presence, etc. The Municipality of Ferrara has been using the SensorThings API standard in production since 2021, also thanks to European projects such as AIRBREAK and USAGE.
Deda Next, partner of the Municipality of Ferrara in the above-mentioned projects, will then present the open-source software solutions adopted, including the QGIS SensorThingsAPI plugin to access near-real-time data from the standard API. The webinar is also an opportunity to reiterate the importance of having standard, interoperable APIs - which for dynamic data, that are related to the Digital National Data Platform in Italy.
The recipients of the cycle are the Digital Transformation Managers of the Administrations, the open data experts of the PA and public and private companies that provide public services under concession, as well as all those interested in or concerned with open data.
OGC, Municipality of Ferrara, and Deda Next are partners of the USAGE project.
Full Programme and schedule
12.00 | Welcome - Ugo Bonelli (FormezPA)
12.05 | Introduction - Antonio Rotundo (Agency for Digital Italy)
12.15 | Introduction to the SensorThings standard - Francesca Noardo (OGC Europe)
12.35 | A concrete experience on environmental and mobility data - Massimo Poletti (Municipality of Ferrara)
12.55 | Open source solutions for the interoperability of dynamic data - Piergiorgio Cipriano (Deda Next)
13.15 | Questions and Answers
13.30 | Conclusions